Book Review: “Embodied Being: The Philosophical Roots of Manual Therapy” by Jeffrey Maitland, PhD

Embodied Being: The Philosophical Roots of Manual Therapy:

“Embodied Being” is a profound exploration of the theoretical and philosophical foundations of manual therapy. Rather than serving as a how-to manual of techniques, it guides manual therapists and osteopaths in understanding the reasons behind their interventions. Maitland urges a shift from a purely mechanical, symptom-based approach to a holistic paradigm that embraces the whole person.

Overview of the Book:

Maitland challenges the traditional Cartesian view of the mind and body as separate entities, proposing instead that they are interconnected and mutually influential. He introduces the concept of the “sentient body,” emphasizing that the body is self-sensing and that consciousness is a somatic event. The book argues that effective manual therapy must move beyond addressing isolated symptoms to focus on patterns of distress, which Maitland terms “order-thwarters.” These order-thwarters can be physical, emotional, or cognitive disruptions in the body’s natural flow and order.

Maitland outlines a framework of three paradigms of practice: relaxation, corrective, and holistic. He posits that only the holistic approach, which seeks integration, harmony, and balance, can facilitate the most profound and lasting changes, aligning the body correctly with gravity. This approach requires a deep understanding of intervention principles and a cultivated ability to perceive the body as a unified whole. The book presents a three-step self-teaching exercise, inspired by Goethe, for enhancing the manual therapist’s perceptual skills.

Main Arguments and Points:

  • Critique of Metaphysical Dualism:

    The book thoroughly challenges the separation of mind and body, a concept rooted in Cartesian philosophy, asserting that they are intertwined.

  • The Three Paradigms:

    Maitland introduces three distinct paradigms of manual therapy: the relaxation paradigm, the corrective paradigm, and the holistic paradigm. He argues for the superiority of the holistic approach, which focuses on the integration, harmony, and balance of the whole person and their relationship to gravity.

  • “Order-thwarters”:

    Rather than using terms like “dysfunction,” Maitland uses “order-thwarters” to emphasize the relational nature of a pattern of distress. These can manifest as physical, emotional, or cognitive challenges.

  • Principles of Intervention:

    The author differentiates between principles and strategies, asserting that true principles are fundamental aspects of biological order that guide treatment and cannot be abandoned.

  • The Primacy of Perception:

    The book highlights that skillful perception is central to effective practice, going beyond the visual sense to incorporate the therapist’s “feeling nature” and energy.

  • Psychobiological Assessment:

    Maitland emphasizes the interconnectedness of a client’s worldview, thought processes, and emotions with their physical condition, suggesting that effective treatment often requires considering both.

  • Homecoming:

    This metaphor describes the freedom and integration that arise from holistic therapy as the client’s body returns to a state of ease, free from conflict and fixation.

  • The Numinous:

    The book explores how holistic manual therapy can sometimes open clients to a deeper, more spiritual dimension, which Maitland refers to as the “numinous.”

Why This is a Great Read for Manual Therapists/Osteopaths:

  • Moving Beyond Techniques:

    This book encourages therapists to transcend a purely mechanical approach, urging them to think critically about the underlying principles guiding their interventions.

  • Developing a Holistic Perspective:

    It provides a framework for understanding the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit, inviting therapists to view clients as unified wholes rather than collections of parts.

  • Enhancing Assessment Skills:

    The book challenges therapists to hone their perceptual skills, encouraging them to “see” beyond the surface and to trust their feeling nature.

  • Prioritizing Treatment Effectively:

    Maitland equips manual therapists with tools to prioritize their treatment, shifting focus from protocols or “treating the worst first” to addressing clients’ unique patterns of distress.

  • Understanding the Psychosomatic Connection:

    It illuminates the connection between a client’s worldview, emotional state, and physical condition, urging manual therapists to recognize when to incorporate these aspects into treatment plans.

  • Finding Deeper Meaning in the Work:

    “Embodied Being” invites therapists to find a deeper sense of meaning in their work, seeing it not just as a method of addressing physical symptoms but as a means to facilitate healing and self-discovery.

  • From Observer to Participant:

    The manual therapist is encouraged to transition from an ‘onlooker’ orientation to a participatory approach, allowing what is to reveal itself in a loving, open space.

  • Embracing a Non-Formulistic Approach:

    Manual therapists are encouraged to work in ways that support the sentient body in finding its unique path to integration, rather than imposing external templates.


In summary, “Embodied Being” offers manual therapists and osteopaths a profound philosophical grounding for their practice, providing a pathway to achieve deeper, lasting results with their clients. It serves as a call to move beyond the limitations of purely mechanical approaches and to embrace the complexity and interconnectedness of the human experience. This book will inspire manual therapists to truly embody their roles as facilitators of healing and self-discovery.

For an in-depth discussion and detailed breakdown of Embodied Being, be sure to check out our podcast  episode to tune in now.

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Embodied Being - A Holistic Approach to Manual Therapy Podcast

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