Book Review: Anatomy Trains by Thomas W. Myers

Anatomy Trains by Thomas W. Myers shifts the focus of anatomy from individual muscles to the body-wide fascial connections known as “myofascial meridians.” These continuous lines of connective tissue influence posture, movement, and compensation patterns. The book serves as a “longitudinal anatomy” that complements traditional anatomy, offering manual therapists and movement educators a new lens for understanding pain and dysfunction.

Key Concepts and Highlights:

  • Myofascial Meridians: Myers identifies 12 key myofascial lines, such as the Superficial Back Line and Spiral Line, which connect muscles and fascia like train tracks. These lines distribute tension, strain, and postural compensation throughout the body.
  • Fascial Interconnectedness: The book emphasizes that muscles operate as part of a larger fascial web, challenging traditional anatomical approaches that isolate muscles.
  • Tensegrity Model: Myers uses the concept of tensegrity (tensional integrity) to explain how forces are balanced in the body and how strain in one area can affect others.
  • Assessment and Treatment: Anatomy Trains provides tools for assessing posture and movement patterns based on myofascial lines, allowing therapists to identify underlying causes of pain and dysfunction.
  • Holistic Approach: It promotes viewing the body as an integrated system, emphasizing that resolving pain often involves addressing patterns across the entire body rather than isolated areas.
  • Complementary Perspective: The book introduces “longitudinal anatomy,” which integrates well with other therapeutic approaches, fostering collaboration across professional boundaries.


Why It’s Valuable for Manual Therapists and Movement Educators:


  • New Perspective: Provides a fresh way to view the body as an interconnected system, moving beyond the traditional muscle-focused approach.
  • Better Assessments: Offers a framework for identifying postural and movement patterns, leading to more effective diagnoses.
  • Effective Treatment Strategies: Helps therapists develop holistic strategies targeting root causes of pain.
    • Clinical Relevance: Concepts are applicable across various manual therapy and movement techniques, making it a practical resource for improving patient outcomes.

Anatomy Trains is not a technique manual but a resource for understanding global patterns of postural compensation and the role of fascia in movement. It challenges conventional views while encouraging therapists to think systemically and innovatively. Although the ideas are still evolving and not fully validated by research, the book remains a valuable tool for enhancing clinical practice and advancing knowledge in the field.

For additional insights and a detailed summary of Anatomy Trains, don’t miss our Deep Dive episode:

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Book Review: Anatomy Trains by Thomas W. Myers

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